You hear it all the time- “Enjoy them now. They’ll be gone before you know it.”
Sound familiar?
I’m reminded all the time from veteran parents who have been where I am to make memories now; to have fun with our kids now before they grow up and leave us.
But sometimes the hustle and bustle of life gets in the way and I forget these words as I get caught up in it. You too?
The words above rang true with me today when I was told this very phrase after whining about some of the activities we do. I was reminded that I only have a few more years with all of my kids at home.
Insert waterworks now.
So I’ve sat down and come up with a list of fun family activities to do with the kids this summer and make memories and fun times. Some of these activities cost a little something, some are absolutely free.
Regardless, they’re sure to make some amazing memories and create some fun family bonding time.
Before we get started check out this list of activities to do with your kids that will make you a fun, happy mom.
And if you’re a mama of all little kids, gain some encouragement in this post because those of us who have been there know how hard it is at this point in your life.
Fun Family Activities to Do With the Kids This Summer
Outdoor Summer Activities
Here are some activities to do outside this summer…
Have a family balloon fight. Make it easier to fill up your balloons with a couple of packs of bunch o balloons.
Go camping in the backyard or at a local campground
Spend the day swimming at the local pool if you don’t have one or go to your local lake or river.
Go on a trail ride at local riding stables
Rent 4 wheelers or side by sides and go riding
Jump on the trampoline together
Play a game of tag football
Go to your local rodeo and experience a whole new culture
Go on a walk and pack a picnic to take with you
Play a family baseball game
Fill up water balloons and have a water balloon race with pool noodles
Make giant bubbles
Have a bean bag toss gamenight
Make a water slide. Use this plastic sheeting and dish soap and water to make it slippery. Make it extra fun by laying it downhill and sliding down on a water air mattress.
Have an outdoor family scavenger hunt
Explore your local state park
Have a weekly outdoor family movie night. Use a laptop projector like this one, hang up a sheet on the fence, rent a movie, and you’re ready to go. Make it more special with snacks and drinks.
Go to the waterpark
Go to the beach and collect shells and build sandcastles
Go ziplining
Go to the zoo
Catch fireflies in the dark
Visit a cave
Play mini golf
Go to a petting zoo
Go fishing
Play in the sprinklers together
Go to the local carnival
Go to your local fair
Fly kites
Go on a road trip to somewhere you’ve never been
Build a campfire and roast hotdogs and smores
Go on your dream vacation
Indoor Family Activities
Here are some fun things to do indoors this summer for those rainy days when you can’t get outside.
Visit a museum
Make pottery at home and paint it. Use this air dry clay.
Have a weekly family game night. Play charades, pictionary, bingo, or teach your kids to play poker.
Visit a retirement home
Volunteer together
Go roller skating at the skating rink
Have fancy dinner nights. Use candles and wine glasses to make it extra special.
Build a fort in the living room with chairs and blankets
Have an indoor rodeo
I hope these fun summer activities inspire you to spend lots of time creating amazing memories with your kids. What are some of your favorite family activities to do in the summertime? Drop a comment below and share on your favorite social media.