Is Family Your Biggest Homeschool Critics?
If you’ve ever told someone you homeschool or plan to homeschool and you receive a negative comment about homeschooling, please raise your hand. If I could see you I’m sure 98% of you have your hand raised. It’s easy to brush off annoying comments from strangers, but when your family is your biggest homeschool critics it’s a whole different ballgame.
This can make or break your whole homeschool experience. Homeschooling is hard and time consuming. Having support from your family can make your life tons more easier.
When your family doesn’t support your homeschooling
- You’re always having to defend your decision to homeschool
- Behavior problems are blamed on homeschooling
- A rift is formed that is hard to overcome
- You are left to do it all alone
There are ways to respond to critical comments about your homeschooling that don’t involve having a confrontation with someone. My response is to smile and nod because I’m a non-confrontational person, but sometimes you have to just shut it down, or nip it in the bud, or put a pin in it. Okay, okay, okay enough of that. Here are some ways to gently respond to your loved ones critical comments.
3 Ways to Respond to Homeschool Critics in Your Family
Be Courteous and Thankful
Don’t engage negativity. Express your thanks, explain your reasons, and ask for support. Be gentle, honest, and let it come from the heart. If that isn’t enough, simply say something like, “Thank you for your concern. We want to do what is right for our children. That’s why we have made this decision.”
Pray for Their Hearts to be Softened
Most people don’t understand the homeschool lifestyle due to preconceived notions or the stigma that goes along with it. Pray for the Holy Spirit to soften hearts and open their eyes to the many benefits of homeschooling.
Find a Good Support Network
I’ve said before in my how to homeschool post, you need to find a good support network. If you can’t get the support from your family, find a local co-op, homeschool mom group, or even a facebook homeschool group. Find somewhere that you can bounce ideas and frustrations off of and talk all things homeschool.
Final Thoughts
I’m going to say it again- don’t engage negativity. Just don’t. It makes matters worse and gives the unsupporter more reason to not support you.
4 words that will ruin any dream are “What will they think”. Mama, don’t worry about what others think. Most people will become supporters once they see the positive change that this is making in your children and family. Although, sometimes this could take years, don’t be discouraged, never doubt your calling to do what is best for your family.