reasons to homeschool

3 Great Reasons to Homeschool

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People ask me all the time why we chose to homeschool. And I tell ya, sometimes I can’t remember. I just rattle off something and sound like a blithering idiot because I can’t remember why we chose to change our whole lifestyle. So I’m going to write the reasons to homeschool so I can just say, “I don’t remember but I wrote it down in my blog.”

There’re many pros and cons of homeschooling and there’re many reasons people choose to homeschool.

These 3 are just a drop in the bucket, but they’re great reasons to homeschool your kids.

Amazing reasons to homeschool your kids. This is why we homeschool our kids.

3 Great Reasons to Homeschool

1. More Family Time-

 Our two oldest kids had just finished kindergarten and 2nd grade when we decided to get our feet wet at this homeschooling thing.

We were very frustrated with the fact that by the time the kids got off the bus, had a little snack and downtime, did their homework and chores, I cooked supper and cleaned the kitchen, it was time for baths and bed. There was no time for us to connect.

If you need more family time, this is a great reason to homeschool. The bond of the family unit is underestimated in our society and we should do our very best to make sure our kids know the importance of family.

Family time builds confidence, encourages better socialization, and builds wonderful memories that last a lifetime.

4 kids in a field

2. To Follow God’s Lead-

This is where the Holy Spirit was leading us. There’s not a doubt in my mind. I still spent day after day praying about this for weeks. I was scared to take that leap.

However, I know that God has great plans for our family and I could not not follow where he was leading. I knew that He is bigger than my fear and I had to step out in faith and go for it.

If you feel like this is where God is leading your family then go for it. This is a great reason to homeschool. We often let fear hold us back and we miss out on some pretty great plans God has in store for us.

Isaiah 41:10 says “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

rebecca with daughters

3. School Bullying-

My sweet, sweet daughter had looked forward to kindergarten for a year. I never realized how hard it would be for her.

We saw a negative change in her personality over the course of the kindergarten year. She went from happy and bubbly at the beginning of the year, to sad and hateful to all of us by the middle of the year.

She grew up with many of the girls in her class, so of course she expected them to be best friends when they got to school. That didn’t happen. One of the little girls decided that she didn’t like her and wouldn’t let the other girls play with her.

It made my daughter’s first year of school miserable. She had no friends and was being bullied by this girl.

We saw a positive difference in her before we were a month into summer break. That is what solidified our decision. I couldn’t stand to see my daughter change so dramatically over something I could change.

If your child is having a hard time socially or being bullied at school this is a great reason to homeschool. It’s also one of the most common reasons parents pull their kids out of school.

Many people would disagree with pulling your kids out and taking them away from the problem. But our job as parents is to protect our kids and make them feel loved and secure.

If we’re sending them somewhere ALL DAY where they don’t feel secure we’re not protecting our children. Giving them this break can help them gain the confidence they need to deal with bullies in the future.

Those are our original reasons to homeschool. There’s really not that many there. But taking those three into account have changed our lives completely. We’ve seen many benefits and you will too.

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