A reason for spelling review. If you want a Charlotte Mason spelling curriculum full of fun and biblical values All About Spelling may be perfect for you.

A Reason for Spelling Level C Review

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Disclaimer: A Reason For Spelling graciously sent me a copy of their wonderful curriculum in exchange for an honest opinion of our experience with it. Opinions expressed are my own.

If your looking for a spelling curriculum that’s full of scripture, good morals and values, and fun activities A Reason for Spelling will probably be perfect for your kids. A Reason for Spelling is made by the A Reason For company. They also publish science, handwriting, and reading curriculums.

We’re using A Reason for Spelling for my 8 year old daughter this year because she’s more of a workbook kind of learner. I’m more of a Charlotte Masoner so it was a little hard for me to make the switch to a workbook. Finally, I just decided I had to get over myself and do what’s best for my daughter.

I thought it was going to be another dull spelling book.

When I got into it I realized that this spelling is very Charlotte Mason. They include a variety of fun ways for your child to learn and include picture memorization of words. Here’s why A Reason for Spelling is so great.

What’s So Great About a Reason for Spelling

Easy to use lesson plans

When you order the student worktext you will need to order the teacher guide book to go with it. The teacher guide lays everything out for you in a simple, easy to understand format. It also gives you tips and instruction for every day and part of your weekly lesson.

Short simple lessons

There aren’t any long, hard to keep your focus lessons. Every lesson never took us more than 15 minutes. Sometimes 5 minutes. Charlotte Mason never advocated long drawn out lessons. She was all about short and simple; quality over quantity. This spelling is the same way.

Fun activities to cement proper spelling in your child’s mind

Examples of some of the activities include

  • spell with glitter glue
  • spell words on carpet
  • using a chalkboard
  • using paper cups
  • using magazine clippings
  • spell using a voice recorder
  • spell words with markers
  • spell with letter tiles
  • spell with playdough
  • spell words on sidewalk with chalk
  • and many, many more

Every week also has a game at the end of the week for added fun.

Variety of ways of learning

What I like the most about this spelling is that they don’t expect all kids to learn the same way. There are a variety of ways to learn throughout every lesson. Visual, auditory, hands on.  If your child doesn’t like playing the games, they don’t have to do the games. There are plenty of other ways for him to learn the words for the week.

And it doesn’t get dull and boring.

Good morals and values

Every week begins with a story chocked full of biblical values to teach your kids valuable lessons. The words for the week are taken from the story. To be honest, I read the story one time. It was so long that was it for me. My daughter spaces during read aloud time anyway.

Also made for classrooms

If you’re the leader of a private or christian school looking for a spelling curriculum, I’ve got you covered. A Reason for Spelling is also geared for a classroom setting as well as a homeschool setting with suggestions for both.

Ya’ll there are so many great ways to learn spelling. There isn’t just one right way. This spelling program utilizes every learning style there is in a fun, engaging way that your kids will love. This isn’t just a boring spelling workbook.

If you have any more questions don’t hesitate to ask.

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