10 Ways to Give Back this Christmas

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This post was written by Amber Hibburt, author of Sinkconfessions.com. You can find her on Facebook at Sink Confession

Scrooge said it best (or rather Charles Dickens) when he said: “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year”. So much about this time of year brings about a desire to give back. It is one of the many reasons the holiday season is so special.

When I first moved to a new town I was unsure where to begin spreading the Christmas cheer. I didn’t know many people yet, and I hadn’t plugged into a church. I knew I wanted to continue the tradition of giving but I also knew I was going to need to think outside of the box as I got to know my new community. So I began researching, and from that research birthed my top ten ways to give back at Christmas time.

10 ways to give back at Christmas time.

1. Make Cards for Soldiers

My husband was part of the Air Force and he often recounts how lonely the holidays can be when you are far from home. A thoughtful note of prayers and good tidings can go a long way in lifting a soldiers spirit. This is a wonderful way to involve little hands and teach them to express gratitude to our men and women overseas.

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2. Participate in a Charity Run

Looking for a way to work off all the Holiday sweet treats you have been indulging in this season? Sign up for a charity 5k and raise money for a good cause.

3. Shop Local

Many big box stores and online retail giants eclipse small businesses with their Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. A great way to boost your community and see your dollars go to support a families dreams is shop local. And more often than not you can find unique gifts for family and friends plus it may encourage them to visit the shop later on as well. Small businesses are often grown by word of mouth so take this gift giving as an opportunity to spread the word on a local artisan.

4. Baked Goods for Police and Firefighters

This is another one that little hands will love helping with. Get in the kitchen together and make grandma’s famous Christmas cookie recipe for your local Police Officers and Fire Fighters. Many of them work long shifts and extra hours keeping our communities safe and a homemade treat goes a long way in saying thank-you for their service.

5. Clear the Clutter

Now is a great time to donate those gently used clothing items that your children have outgrown. And it’s an even better time to pare down the toys in the toy box before Grandparents fill them up again. Many church free stores and places like the Salvation Army find their shelves low on goods this time of year. Involving your children can also teach them a valuable lesson in passing things on to someone else who can love and use them.

Christmas is the time of giving is it not? Here are 10 ideas to give back this Christmas

6. Adopt a “Grandfriend” at Your Local Nursing Home

The Holidays can be very lonely for the elderly many have no family to visit them either by circumstance or distance. Contact a nearby nursing home and ask them if they have residents who could benefit from a new friend this time of year. We have brought treats, books, crossword puzzles, given manicures, and just kept company with residents. I have made new friends and gained so much wisdom and enjoyment from conversations had in a dining hall. Definitely give this one try, you may find it is a gift to yourself as well.

7. Donate to a Local Foodbank

Hunger is a very real issue and food banks often struggle to keep up with need. When you are out buying your holiday meal fixings and baking supplies grab a few extra boxes and cans and take them to your local food bank.

8. Shovel a Neighbors Drive or Walkway

If you have teenage children this is a great way to get them involved in the spirit of giving back. If you live in a cold climate as we do here in Michigan then you know it can be a challenge to stay ahead of the snow covered walkways. When you’re outside clearing your own snow keep going a bit further and help lighten the load for a neighbor.

9. Trade Babysitting with another Family

With schedules being so busy this time of year it can be a challenge to squeeze in a date night with your spouse or get out sans children to do your Christmas shopping. Trading childcare with another family can be a great way for both couples to get some time together and the kids can have a playdate. We host a Polar Express viewing party where the kids can come in their favorite winter pajamas and enjoy hot chocolate while their families can go enjoy some kid-free moments.

10. Adopt a Family

Many churches and schools have a list of families that are struggling to provide holiday meals and gifts for their children. Adopting a family can mean that you provide monetary donations for the organizer to get groceries and items on the children’s wish list. Or you can be one of the shoppers who pick out and purchase the items. Being a shopper is another way to involve the whole family.

I hope as you move through another wonderful Holiday Season that you will consider ways to keep the spirit of Christmas in your heart both now and all year long.

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