The Benefits of Homeschooling

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The Benefits of Homeschooling (You Will Love)

The other day, I wrote a blog post about why we chose to homeschool. The benefits of homeschooling have been tremendous for our family. I really never dreamed I would like this as much as I do!

Let me put this our there- I am NOT anti-public school. and there are days I think it would be great to pack up their backpacks and put my kids on the big, yellow bus. My life would be far less complicated.

Honestly, it’s not the schooling that complicates it. It’s everything else that comes about in life. But, an uncomplicated life is not what I have been called to. So, to remind myself of a few of the benefits of homeschooling that I love, I am writing them down here and maybe, just maybe, it will encourage and inspire some of you.

1. Free Time

Our days are not centered around when school starts and when school lets out, homework, class projects, etc., etc. We get up, get our chores and school work done, and move on. It’s great! We can go on a picnic, go on a nature walk, a horse ride. Whatever floats our boat.

I loosely follow a traditional school break routine, but we’re self-employed, and when we want to take off for an impromptu middle of the week trip, we have the freedom to do just that.

2. Family time and sibling relationships have grown-

My two oldest were originally very close. When Royce started school they grew apart and continued to do so as time went on. Some may say that’s just the way life is, or that it’s normal for siblings to grow apart, but that’s not what I wanted for my kids. A while after we took them out of school they became best friends again.

The same goes for my two youngest. They are super close and I couldn’t face breaking them up to send them to school.

3. I get to teach from a Christian perspective-

Our local public school is great. The leadership is predominantly Christian and my kids felt comfortable speaking about God at school without being ridiculed.

But, I want more than that. God is in everything because He created everything. I want them to learn to connect God to every facet of their life because knowledge comes from Him. I want them to understand that everything points to The One Who Made Us.

4. I can give them the attention they need-

When they came home from school in the evenings, it was rush, rush, rush, to get everything done that needed to be done that day. I didn’t really have time to listen to their stories or their problems.

Our evenings are still a little crazy here. But, we already had the day to talk to each other and give each other the attention we all deserve.

5. Positive personality changes-

My kids fuss with each other. They fight and bicker. They get bad attitudes. There’s no perfection here. The difference is that it all isn’t as frequent. It isn’t as amplified as it was before.

So what changed it? Change of atmosphere perhaps. We all know that the people your around all day changes your attitude. For the better or for the worse. That’s just the way it is.

Yes, I’m saying my kids picked up bad attitudes from the kids around them. It happens to all of us. Also, maybe they aren’t so tired and worn out after working and playing all day.

I’m not saying my kids are perfect. Far from it, actually. I’m just saying, we have seen a positive change.

6. Daddy Has Help-

I listed this last but certainly not least. We run a cattle ranch and it’s not always easy. We need all the help we can get and if that help happens to live with us, so be it.

Our kids are learning far more than what is in the books. They are learning work ethic. They are learning to help when help is needed.

There are far more benefits than just these six. These are just my favorites and I know you will love them, also. Check out the pros and cons of homeschool and why we chose to homeschool. In what ways has homeschooling benefited your family? Drop a comment below.

Here are 5 Benefits of Homeschool you will love. Check out the last one! Pin Me!

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1 thought on “The Benefits of Homeschooling”

  1. It was nice that you pointed out that you would have the freedom to take an off for an impromptu middle-of-the-week trip if you are homeschooling because of the free time that homeschooling provides. With this in mind, I will be sure to consider this for my 8-year old daughter next school year. My husband and I want to make sure that her world is not only centered on school because we want her to appreciate so many great things in life. Thanks!

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